Friday, October 17, 2008

Halloween and Fall Time

I have to do one more post in honor of Halloween. This is my favorite time of year!! I love once October hits because then, the my three favorite Holidays are just around the corner!! I absolutely LOVE Halloween, and just fall in general. I love to be scared(just pretend scary of course). I love getting to go to haunted houses, and watching old horror movies. I love getting to dress up, and of course all of the candy that comes along with Halloween. So if anyone is interested in going to a haunted house this year, Brandon and I are definitely up for it!! I am not sure yet what I will be for Halloween this year, so any suggestions would be Great. Gracey is going a a little Angel (yes my dog dresses up for Halloween).

I also just love the fall season. All of the pretty colors, and the weather, I just wished it lasted longer. Brandon thinks that the fall is so depressing since everything is dead, but I just love it so much!!! I love when all the leaves fall to the ground, and you rake them up in a big pile, and the play in them, it is so fun to have a leaf fight (I am still a little girl sometimes). One more good thing about fall. . . . . . I can bring out all my big comfy sweaters!!

#3 So Far

So I am trying to up my average to at least 2 or 3 a month. Everything has been so crazy it seems. 4 months have already gone by since Brandon started his new job, and we have been living apart more then together. So we are both just OVER this whole long distance thing!!! I have been trying to apply for jobs out in the area, and it is very frustrating. You would think with the field that I am in it would be pretty easy, but it is not. I am guessing it has something to do with the economy sucking so bad right now. I did have one job interview this last week. I think that it went pretty good, so now I am just waiting (not fun!!). Not much is going on with the house either, still just sitting on the market. So this weekend we will just be relaxing at the house here. Brandon is going to Dallas on Sunday for 2 weeks, so we are hanging out just the two of us. Have a fabulous weekend!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Another crazy week has come and gone. I have worked six doubles in the last two weeks, and I am so exhausted!! Last weekend we went camping at Camp Pine Mountain. Brandon was in charge of running a weekend camp for the Cub Scouts and so naturally I tagged along. Brandon P. and Kathryn came too. I LOVE CAMPING, and it was so much fun, even though Brandon had to work the whole time. I just love the outdoors it is so gorgeous outside this time of year, and the weather is just so perfect right now too. All in all the camp was a success and the little boys had a wonderful time. My personal favorite thing of the weekend, was sitting by the fire with Brandon roasting marsh mellows. I think I ate half the bag, I kind of made myself sick, but it was totally worth it. I am so proud of my husband for what he is doing. He is truly enjoying his job, and he loves working with kids. On top of everything else he is amazing at it. He is the top DE in his district, and he has done more in 4 months, then anyone in the Council has in the full year. Anyways we are already planing our next camping trip, and I am very excited!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

I am so bad at this!!

I am so bad at Blogging ya'll, I suck!!! Anyways life just seems to be so crazy, but what is new. Brandon has been busy busy working in Columbus, I am I still up here staying crazy busy with work too. The house has not sold yet =( It is so frustrating!!! I have made some wonderful girl friends, that are definitely making this difficult time so much better, and and they are so good at keeping my mind preoccupied, so I don't miss Brandon as much during the week. So Thank You to my wonderful girls!!! Anyways Fleming, Lisa and I went to go see Les Miserables last week, and that was so awesome. I love going to the Fox and getting to see all these amazing performances. I had never seen Les Mis before and I just loved it, those actors can sing!! So anyways I jumped on the Twilight train, and I am hooked. I can not believe that I waited so long to start readying this awesome series. I feel like such a loser because I am so invested in the characters in these books. I am sooooo EXCITED for the movie to come out!!! Have a great weekend!!